Adopted Charity for 2011

Posted 4 March, 2012

The Great North Air Ambulance was our adopted charity for 2011, and to receive the cheque for £1000, Mr. Robert Colgrave kindly came along to thank the choir for this much needed donation to help keep this fine machine in the air.      

Games Night

Posted 23 February, 2012

We rehearse in the Corner Flag, Hartlepool Football Club Supporters Association building, where the people make all choir members very welcome. A games night was held on the 15th of February which involved playing darts, pool and dominos followed by a nice helping of pie, mushy peas and gravy –… Keep reading »

Lesley Garrett

Posted 11 February, 2012

HMVC shared their stage with the delightful Lesley Garrett on the 18th of June 2011. Not surprisingly, the hall was packed.  The choir sang, A Medley from Paint Your Wagon, On The Street Where You Live, Bring Him Home and Mama Don’t Allow to name but a few.  Then it… Keep reading »

Wantage Male Voice Choir

Posted 9 June, 2011

HMVC shared centre stage with Wantage Male Voice Choir at St Joseph’s Church on Saturday, 21st of May. This beautiful old church played its part in giving a very large audience a great night. There was a lot of work done behind the scenes to make it a truly memorable… Keep reading »

Presentation to our adopted charities 2010

Posted 20 February, 2011

R.N.L.I. Hartlepool & Catcote Road School, Hartlepool were our two adopted charities this year. Presenting the cheques to both charities are Bill, John and Mick who form part of the committee of HMVC. Bill’s wife, Theresa, came along in the hope of a ride out on “SCOUT”, the R.N.L.I. lifeboat,… Keep reading »

Matty’s 90th

Posted 6 August, 2010

HMVC were invited to sing at Matty Daley’s 90th birthday party, held at the Supporters’ Club on the 15th July. The reason being that Matty has, and still is, a very big friend and supporter of HMVC. The place was packed out !! Do you think he looks 90?

Russell Watson

Posted 11 July, 2010

“Oh what a night!” HMVC will remember this night for all the right reasons. The memories of this concert will last a lifetime. Every person present saw Russell and HMVC deliver a superb performance .  

Girl Guides Centenary

Posted 3 March, 2010

What a very enjoyable evening and excellent turn out for the celebration dinner to mark the 100th anniversary of the Girl Guides. HMVC wish them all the very best. Val Cullen presented Mick Waller with a cheque for £100

Presentation To Our Adopted Charities, 2009

Posted 17 January, 2010

Here are Mick Waller, Doug Laughton and John Rutherford presenting two cheques of £400 each to Hilary Sadler and Albert Armstrong. Hilary and Albert were representing ‘Coronary Support Group’ and ‘Macmillan Cancer Support’.

Concert With Aled Jones In The Borough Hall

Posted 10 July, 2009

The concert turned out to be a resounding success enjoyed by audience and entertainers alike, including Aled who, on his Sunday morning program on Radio 2, commented on the warmth he had felt from the audience.